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- 10 sa=49152:printchr$(147)chr$(8)chr$(14)
- 20 ck=0:fori=sa to sa+251:read a:pokei,a:ck=ck+a:nexti
- 30 if ck<>33715 then print"data error.":stop
- 40 dim a$(50):poke53280,0:poke53281,0:print"[147]"
- 50 fori=1to50:reada$(i):next
- 60 poke820,60:poke821,200:rem --- scroll speed ---
- 70 poke250,6:rem --- text color ---
- 75 rem --- a$(20)="" means last string ---
- 80 a$(1)=mid$(a$(1),1):sys49152
- 90 print"[147]load"chr$(34)"tomb"chr$(34)",8":print"run":poke198,10
- 95 forx=631to640:pokex,13:next
- 100 print"";:end
- 60300 data 165,250,160,0,141,134
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- 60320 data 217,153,0,218,153,0
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- 60410 data 55,3,133,254,24,144
- 60420 data 227,169,32,160,0,153
- 60430 data 192,7,200,192,40,144
- 60440 data 248,169,27,141,17,208
- 60450 data 96,169,32,160,0,153
- 60460 data 192,7,200,192,40,144
- 60470 data 248,162,24,160,0,24
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- 60500 data 250,208,246,160,7,132
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- 60520 data 24,101,250,141,17,208
- 60530 data 173,52,3,133,251,56
- 60540 data 144,154,162,10,202,208
- 60550 data 253,198,251,208,249,173
- 60560 data 18,208,208,251,136,192
- 60570 data 255,208,216,173,17,208
- 60580 data 41,248,24,105,7,141
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- 60650 data 247,185,40,5,153,0
- 60660 data 5,200,208,247,185,40
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- 61000 rem --- text to scroll ---
- 61010 data " "," "," ","[196]eep, deep under the sunlit world lies"
- 61020 data "the place of nightmare, where your "
- 61030 data "worst fears materialize into reality..."
- 61040 data "[212]his place is known to mortals as the"
- 61050 data "[212]omb of [200]orror. [193]ll shadows dwell there"
- 61060 data "and all dark things rest their twisted"
- 61070 data "souls in the cool passages therein."
- 61080 data " ","[201]f you are stern of heart, and daring"
- 61090 data"and foolhardy...you might venture there"
- 61100 data"to find a treasure...a stone forged by"
- 61101 data"alchemists in the mists of antiquity,"
- 61102 data"a stone so powerful that demons from"
- 61103 data"the underworld lusted for it and "
- 61104 data"destroyed cities to obtain it..."
- 61105 data" ","[212]he [193]lchemy [211]tone..."," "
- 61120 data " ","[201]t turns coal into gold, gold into"
- 61130 data"diamonds, diamonds into gems so"
- 61140 data"beautiful and brilliant that no tongue"
- 61150 data"can express it."
- 61160 data" "," ","[197]nter now, [193]dventurer, and find death,"
- 61170 data"despair, or destiny. [212]he gates are open"
- 61180 data"and a dry, withered claw beckons you"
- 61190 data"forth into the black maw..."," "," "
- 61195 data" [212] [207] [205] [194] [207] [198] [200] [207] [210] [210] [207] [210]"
- 61200 data" "," "," "," ","[208]ress any key to load game...."
- 61210 data" "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",""